Quarky (Main)

Extension Description
Control the basic digital and analog read and write operations & Deep Sleep.
Available in: Block Coding, Python Coding
Mode: Stage Mode, Upload Mode
WiFi Required: No
Compatible Hardware in Block Coding: Quarky
Compatible Hardware in Python: Quarky
Object Declaration in Python: quarky = Quarky()
Extension Catergory: Quarky
The Quarky extension allows users to perform the basic operations on Quarky:
- Upload a code to Quarky on upload mode using when Quarky starts up the block.
- Digital Input
- Digital Output
- Analog Input
- Analog Output
- Basic mathematical operations.
This extension is useful when you are using generic input output pins of Quarky.
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PictoBlox Blocks
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Block Coding Examples
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Python Functions
The function reads the analog value of the sensors connected to the specified pin. The function returns the int value between 0 to 4096.
Syntax: readanaloginput(pin = “A1”)
The function sets the digital state of the specified pin to HIGH or LOW / 0V or 3.3V.
Syntax: setdigitaloutput(pin, state)
The function reads the digital value of the sensors connected to the specified pin. The function returns True or False.
Syntax: readdigitalinput(pin)
The function sets the analog state of the specified pin to the specified value between 0 to 255.
Syntax: setanalogoutput(pin)
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