evive IoT Kit - Tutorials and Projects

The ultimate IoT kit for beginners and hobbyists of all ages to dive into the world of the Internet of Things and get a taste of the magic it holds.
- Comes with evive – the most versatile electronics prototyping platform
- Contains a variety of IoT sensors, WiFi module, and other components
- Free project-making app allowing access to inbuilt Smartphone sensors
- Supports both Arduino IDE and graphical programming
- 15+ self-explanatory online tutorials and DIY projects
IoT Kit Tutorials
In this series of tutorials, you will learn how to get started with evive IoT Kit and create fun projects using PictoBlox and Arduino IDE.
Learn how to connect it to evive using the ESP8266 module. Get a comprehensive guide on using PictoBlox to program evive and send data to a ThingSpeak channel.
Learn how to use evive and PictoBlox to retrieve data from the cloud (ThingSpeak). We will connect evive to the Internet using the ESP8266 module and use the Internet of Things extension to create a program to retrieve the data from the ThingSpeak channel.
Learn how to use the DHT 11 humidity and temperature sensor with evive and PictoBlox. We will connect the sensor to evive, program it using PictoBlox and observe how it works in response to temperature and humidity changes.
Learn how to monitor and control the greenhouse system using the temperature sensor DHT. Program it using PictoBlox and store and analyze the data on the cloud using Adafruit IO.
Learn about the functioning of the relay and how to interface it with evive. This tutorial covers the working of an electromagnetic relay, its specifications, the circuit diagram, and the PictoBlox program to control an electrical bulb with evive.
Learn how to test the pH of soil in your garden with pH papers. Understand the pH scale, pH paper and the importance of soil pH for growing plants. Follow the simple steps in this lesson to test the soil in your garden.
Learn how to monitor soil moisture for faster plant growth using a soil moisture sensor, PictoBlox programming, and evive TFT Display. Understand the importance of soil moisture understanding for plant health and fast growth.
Learn how to use the HC-SR501 PIR sensor module with evive and PictoBlox program to detect motion and turn an LED ON or OFF accordingly. Understand the working of PIR motion sensors, its components and how to control the delay and sensitivity.
Learn how to use the MQ2 gas sensor to measure the concentration of gases in the environment. This tutorial covers the four pins of the MQ2 gas sensor, equations to calculate resistance ratio and PPM, and how to use PictoBlox to detect gases in the environment.
Learn how to use the MQ3 gas sensor to measure the concentration of gases in the environment. Understand the sensor’s working principle, equations to calculate R0, and how to adjust its sensitivity. Follow our PictoBlox tutorial to write two programs to calculate R0 and the concentration of gas in ppm.
In this tutorial, we will retrieve different weather parameters of a location using latitude and longitude.
Learn how to connect a 12V,3W water pump to evive and control its speed using both the evive menu and PictoBlox. Get detailed steps and connections required to control the pump.
PictoBlox Extensions for evive IoT Kit
Refer to the documentation of PictoBlox Extension to understand how to use the blocks for evive IoT Kit.