Quarky Expansion Board

Extension Description
Controls the various input and outputs of the Quarky Expansion Board.
Available in: Block Coding, Python Coding
Mode: Stage Mode, Upload Mode
WiFi Required: No
Compatible Hardware in Block Coding: Quarky
Compatible Hardware in Python: Quarky
Object Declaration in Python: quarkyexpansion = Expansion()
Extension Catergory: Quarky
PictoBlox Blocks
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Python Functions
The function initializes the Expansion Board of Quarky for use. Without initialization, the board will not respond to any other functions.
Syntax: initexpansion()
The function sets the servo motor connected to the specified servo pin of the Quarky Expansion board to the specified angle. The expansion board can control up to 8 servos simultaneously.
Syntax: moveservo(servo port = 1, angle = 40)
The function moves all the servo motors connected to the Quarky Expansion board servo ports 1 through 8.
Syntax: moveall(angle 1 = 90, angle 2 = 90, angle 3 = 90, angle 4 = 90, angle 5 = 90, angle 6 = 90, angle 7 = 90, angle 8 = 90, time = 1000)
The function sets the analog state of the specified pin to the specified value between 0 to 255.
Syntax: setanalogoutput(servo port = 1, PWM = 50)
The function sets the specified motor of the Quarky Expansion board to the specified direction (“FORWARD” or “BACKWARD”) and specified speed.
Syntax: runmotor(motor port = 1, direction = “FORWARD”, speed = 100)
The function stops the specified motor of the Quarky Expansion Board.
Syntax: stopmotor(motor port = 1)
The function reverses the forward direction of the specified motor of the Quarky Expansion Board.
Syntax: reversemotordirection(motor port = 1)
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