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() circle from center () () radius () color ()


() circle from center () () radius () color () block is a stack block available in evive display extension. The block is used to draw an outline of the circle or a filled circle of a specified radius and center position on evive TFT display.

evive TFT Display Circle

Draw filled circle on evive display.

evive TFT Display Circle OutlineDraw circle outline on evive display.

Input Parameters

  1. Draw (only parameter) or fill (complete circle) option.
  2. X position of the center pixel of the circle.
  3. Y position of the center pixel of the circle.
  4. The radius of the circle in pixels.
  5. The color of the circle.
evive Notes Icon
Note: This block is available in both Upload mode and Stage mode.


  1. This script draws the outline of a circle centered at (80, 64) and of radius 30 units.
    draw circle example
  2. This script draws a filled circle centered at (80, 64) and of radius 30 units.
    fill circle example


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