
Extension Description
Dabble Extension has all the blocks that enable evive and other Arduino boards to communicate with Dabble.


Dabble Extension has all the blocks that enable evive and other Arduino boards to communicate with Dabble.

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PictoBlox Blocks

The block allows the user to control the brightness of LED connected to digital pins of the device using Dabble app. You can enter the pin number to which your device is connected and vary the brightness in the app.
The block compares the latest string message in the terminal with the data input by the user in the block. If the data matches, it returns the true, else it returns false. 
The block returns a number received from the terminal module of the Dabble app.
The block sends the written message on the terminal module of the Dabble app.
There are 10 digital buttons in the gamepad module, whose data is sent to the device when they are pressed or released. The block reports whether the button is currently pressed on the gamepad or not. If the chosen button is pressed, then it returns true, else it returns false. 
The block returns the real-time value of the selected parameter (X value, Y value, radial value, and angle) form the joystick and accelerometer mode of the Gamepad module of the Dabble app. You can choose the parameter from the drop-down menu.
The block allows the user to remotely monitor the live status of devices and debug them by displaying the values of all the pins – both digital and analog.
The block allows the user to control actuators such as DC motors and servo motors from the Motor control module of the Dabble app.
Dabble inputs module have two tactile switches. This block reports the state of the tactile switch (pressed or not) in real-time. If the switch is pressed, then it returns true else false.
Dabble input module have 2 slide switch type input, having states left, right and off. This block reports if the selected slide switch is in the selected state in real-time. If the slide switch is in that state, then it returns true else false.
Dabble input module has 2 potentiometers whose value can be varied from 0 to 1023 by the user. This block reports the current value of the selected potentiometer.
Dabble phone sensor module give the real-time reading of the following sensors to evive: Accelerometer, gyroscope, proximity sensor, magnetometer, light meter, sound meter, GPS, temperature sensor and barometer. This block reports the current value of the selected sensor.
The Music module allows you to play tones, songs and other recorded audio files from your phone’s storage as per command send from the hardware device. This block is used to play the audio file for the key entered in the text box of the block.
The Notification module of the IoT module triggers a notification in your Smartphone based on events occurring on your hardware. This block is used for clearing the previous notifications from the phone.
The Camera module allows you to use your mobile camera for different activities like recording videos, capturing images, color detection, and face detection. This block sends commands for clicking an image, starting the video, and stopping the video in the camera module.
The Oscilloscope module allows you to visualize the input and output signals of your hardware device on your smartphone. This block for setting the baud rate of the Bluetooth module that you have connected to Arduino Mega.
The Oscilloscope module allows you to visualize the input and output signals of your hardware device on your smartphone. This block for setting the baud rate by selecting one from the drop-down for the Bluetooth module that you have connected to the boards.
The Color Detector module of the Camera Module processes the live video stream and detects colors as per the selected settings. This block gives the value of the selected color component for the selected cell.
The Data Logger of the IoT module is used to monitor the data of sensors while they are being logged and can finally save the data in form of CSV file. This block is used for sending the data that is to be logged in the file. 
This block refreshes the data sent to the hardware device from Dabble app.
The Camera module allows you to use your mobile camera for different activities like recording videos, capturing images, color detection, and face detection. This block is used for rotating your Smartphone’s camera in the module. 
The Data Logger of the IoT module is used to monitor the data of sensors while they are being logged and can finally save the data in form of CSV file. This block is used to configure the initial parameters of the data logger file. 
The Oscilloscope module allows you to visualize the input and output signals of your hardware device on your smartphone. This block sends the data to the oscilloscope channel.  
The Notification module of the IoT module triggers a notification in your Smartphone based on events occurring on your hardware. This block creates notifications that need to be sent.
The Oscilloscope module allows you to visualize the input and output signals of your hardware device on your smartphone. This block for setting the baud rate by selecting one from the drop-down for the Bluetooth module that you have connected to evive. 
The Camera module of Dabble app allows you to use your mobile camera for different activities like recording videos, capturing images, and color detection. This block is used to change the flash settings, camera quality, and zoom settings of your Smartphone’s camera.
The Color Detector module of Camera Module process live video stream and detects colors as per the selected settings. This block is used for setting grid size, color calculation mode and color mode settings. The block consists of three drop downs.
The Data Logger of the IoT module monitors the data of sensors while they are being logged and can finally save the data in form of CSV file. This block stops the logging process and closes the currently open data logger file.
The Music module allows you to play tones, songs and other recorded audio files from your phone’s storage as per command send from the hardware device. This block stops all the music files that are being played on the Smartphone.
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