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Function Definition: math.atanh(x)


NameTypeDescriptionExpected ValuesDefault Value
xfloatRequired. A positive or negative number between -0.99 and 0.99. If x is not a number, it returns a TypeErrorA positive or negative number between -0.99 and 0.99.


Python math.atanh() is an inverse of the hyperbolic tangent function. It is particularly useful to handle complex mathematical calculations. In this tutorial, we will discuss the definition, use case, and implement examples with output of the Python math.atanh() function.


Python math.atanh() function is used to calculate the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a given value. It returns the inverse tanh of the given value which is beyond the domain of -1 and 1. It is a unary function that takes a single numeric argument and returns a numerical value.


The use case for Python math.atanh() function is for complex mathematical calculations or in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence where it is used in neural networks. This helps in the calculations of complex functions beyond the domain of -1 and 1.

Examples with Output

Example 1

Let’s say that x = 0.7. We can calculate the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x using Python math.atanh() function as shown below.

import math
x = 0.7
y = math.atanh(x)
print (y)


Example 2

Let’s calculate the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a negative number.

import math 
x = -0.3
y = math.atanh(x)



In this tutorial, we discussed Python math.atanh() function and its use case. We also implemented two examples to show the calculation of inverse tanh of a given value using this function. Python math.atanh() function is a significant tool for complex mathematical calculations or in Machine Learning for use in neural networks.


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