() triangle from point 1 () () point 2 () () point 3 () () color () block is a stack block available in evive display extension. The block is used to draw an outline of the triangle or a filled triangle from points on evive TFT display. It takes the color and the 3 points for the corner of the triangle to draws a triangle.
Draw a filled triangle on evive display.
Draw the outline of a triangle on evive display.
Input Parameters
- Draw (only parameter) or fill (complete triangle) option.
- X position of the first pixel of the triangle.
- Y position of the first pixel of the triangle.
- X position of the second pixel of the triangle.
- Y position of the second pixel of the triangle.
- X position of the third pixel of the triangle.
- Y position of the third pixel of the triangle.
- The color of the triangle.

Note: This block is available in both Upload mode and Stage mode.