Set text color () with () background & size () block is a stack block available in evive display extension. The block sets a text color (choose from the color selector), a particular background color (choose from the color selector) and the text size (value varying from 1 to 7) for the text.
Hello World with text size 1 and yellow color.
Input Parameters
- Text color to be displayed using the color picker.
- The background color of the text using the color picker.
- The text size which can vary from 1 to 7. 1 being the smallest and 7 being the biggest.

Note: This block is available in both Upload mode and Stage mode.
- In this script, we have changed the text color (default is white) and set the background to black using the set text color () with () background & size () block and fill screen with () color respectively. The cursor is at (50, 50) and we write “Hello World!” using the write () block.
- In this example, we are changing the color of the text and writing “Hello World” at three different locations on the TFT display.