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go to X () Y () Z () in () ms

go to block


Go to X () Y () Z () in () ms block is a stack block available in Robotic Arm extension for evive and other Arduino boards. This block moves the robotic arm’s end-effector to the specified X, Y, and Z positions in the specified time.

Input Parameters

  1. X-axis position for the robotic arm.
  2. Y-axis position for the robotic arm.
  3. Z-axis position for the robotic arm.
  4. Time to travel the entered position in ms.
evive Notes Icon
Note: This block is available in both Stage and Upload mode.


Here, in the given script, the robotic arm will move to one position, wait there for a while and then move to another position.

  1. Define PWM pins for the servos connected.
  2. The robotic arm will forever move between the two positions i.e. go to point 1, wait there for 2 seconds, go to point 2, again wait there for 2 seconds and return back to point 1.

go to example

evive Notes Icon
Note: Before working with the Robotic Arm, we need to calibrate the robotic arm. To calibrate the robotic arm, click here.


Discover the capabilities of pick-and-place robotic arms, mechanical systems designed to efficiently pick up objects from one location and precisely place them in another.


A pick-and-place robotic arm is a mechanical system designed to perform the task of picking up objects from one location and placing them in another. It consists of multiple segments connected, similar to a human arm, and is equipped with motors, sensors, and grippers.

The robotic arm is programmed to move in a precise and controlled manner. It can be guided by various input methods, such as a computer interface or remote control. The arm uses its grippers to grasp objects securely, and then it can move them to a different location.

Pick-and-place robotic arms are commonly used in industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and assembly lines. They automate repetitive tasks that involve moving objects, saving time and reducing the risk of human error. These robotic arms can handle a wide range of objects, from small components to larger items, with accuracy and efficiency.



  1. Open the Pictoblox application.
  2. Select the block-based environment.
  3. Click on the robotic arm extension available in the left corner.
  4. Drag and drop the Set Pins Link1(), Link2(), Base(), and Gripper() block to define the robotic arm for each servo connection.
  5. Use the Calibrate Link1(), Link2(), and Base() block to set the angle.
  6. Drag and drop the Set Offset Along Length() and Set Offset along Z() blocks to adjust the position of the end effector in the z-direction.
  7. Select the home() block to set the home position for the robotic arm.
  8. Open the gripper to pick up a specific object.
  9. Close the gripper to grab the object securely.
  10. Move to the desired location, then open the gripper to release the object.
  11. Close the gripper afterward.
  12. Then The arm will move to its default or home position using home() block.
  13. Press Run to run the code.


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Discover the versatility and benefits of automatic robotic arms in various industries.


An automatic robotic arm is a mechanical device that imitates a human arm. It can be programmed and used in many industries. The arm consists of linked parts that can move and rotate, enabling it to do various tasks. Technology advancements like AI and machine learning have led to more advanced robotic arms. These arms can adapt and work autonomously. As a result, they are now widely used across industries and play a crucial role in automation systems.



  1. Open the Pictoblox application. Select the block-based environment.
  2. Click on the robotic arm extension available in the left corner.
  3. Start by setting up pins for four different connections using set pin lis.
  4. Define the open angle () and close angle () for the gripper.
  5. Establish the home position for the gripper. Use a forever loop to continuously run the loop by dragging and dropping it.
  6. Then open () gripper. Then move position of robotic arm. Change the x, y, and z axes individually at specific intervals.
  7. Utilize the move along the X(), Y(), and Z() axis in ms block to move the arm.
  8. the gripper. Use the goto()  block to change the arm’s position along a specific axis.
  9. Open the gripper. Return the arm to the home position. Close the gripper.
  10. Adjust the position of the robotic arm by moving it along the X(), Y(), and Z() axes one by one using move along the X() Y() Z() axis one by one in ()ms.
  11. We use go to () in () axis in () ms block to change position of arm.
  12. Open the gripper then return home() position then close the gripper().
  13. Add interval of 0.2 second.
  14. Press Run to run the code.


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