evive Board

evive Board
Extension Description
Control the inbuilt functionalities of evive such as the tactile switches, slide switches, etc.


evive extension allows you to control the inbuilt functionalities of evive such as the tactile switches, slide switches, potentiometer, motors, 5-way navigation key, touch inputs, and Real Time Clock.

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PictoBlox Blocks

Scripts that wear this block get converted into Arduino code when you are in Upload Mode. This block is used when one has to upload a code into evive.
evive has two tactile switches; this block checks if either of them is pressed. The switch whose state you want to check can be chosen from the drop-down menu on this block. It returns “true” if the switch is pressed and “false” if the switch is not pressed.
The block check takes the slide switch number (1 or 2) and state to be checked for (Up or Down) as input and returns “True” if the slide switch is in the specified state and “False” if it is not in the specified state.
evive has a 5-way navigation key, 4 of them are for up, down, right and left direction. This block checks if the navigation key is in one of the four particular directions. The direction for which you wish to check is your choice and can be chosen from the drop down on the block.
evive has two potentiometers whose analog outputs can be varied by turning the knob clockwise or anti-clockwise. This block returns the analog output of either of the potentiometer (from 0-1023).
evive Inbuilt tools. evive have 12 capacitive touch inputs, where you can sense if the pin is touched or not. If the specified channel is touched, the block returns “True”, else it returns false.
The block reads the state of the digital pin on evive (“High” or “Low”). If the state of the pin is “High”, it returns True, else False.
The block returns the value of analog pins available in the connected hardware. Analog reading is of 10-bit resolution, hence the range of value is 0 to 1023. This range is mapped to the voltage of the pin (normally 0 to 5V). If the value received is 512, the voltage value will be around 2.5V.
The block sets the digital state of the specified digital pin to either “High” or “Low”. If the output is High, the pin will be at 5V and if the output is Low the pin will be at 0V.
The block set PWM output on evive PWM pins. The user can select the output from a range of 0 to 255.  If the PWM output is 128, then half the time output will be High and for rest, the output will be Low.
When the block is executed it plays the tone of specified frequency/note for a specific duration/beat. The note and the beat can be selected from the drop-down menu. Also, the user can input the specific frequency and duration (in milliseconds).
The block sets the time on evive’s Real Time Clock (RTC) to the time specified by the user in the input.
The block sets the date and weekday on evive’s Real Time Clock(RTC) to the time specified by the user through the drop-down menu in the input.
The block returns the value of “hours”, “minutes”, “seconds”, “date”, “month”, “year” or “weekday” from evive’s RTC. 
The block gives the value of the voltage sensed on the sensing ports of evive. There are 2 ports red (voltage range -30 to 30V) and blue (voltage range -5 to 5V). 
The block gives the value of the current sensed on the sensing ports of evive in mili-Ampere.  
The block returns the time passed since the device is turned ON or since the timer has been reset. This block returns time in milliseconds.
The block sets the timer’s value back to 0.0. Usually, the timer must be reset at the beginning of a project for the Timer block to hold the right value.
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