Table of Contents

get weather data for lat () & lon ()


The block runs an API call to get the weather data of the location specified with the Longitude and Latitude.

  1. Weather: Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme, etc.)
  2. Temperature:
    1. Current in Celcius
    2. Max in Celcius: Maximum temperature at the moment. This is the maximal currently observed temperature (within large megalopolises and urban areas).
    3. Min in Celcius: Minimum temperature at the moment. This is the minimal currently observed temperature (within large megalopolises and urban areas).
    4. Current in Fahrenheit
    5. Max in Fahrenheit
    6. Min in Fahrenheit
  3. Pressure: Atmospheric pressure (on the sea level, if there is no sea_level or grnd_level data), hPa
  4. Humidity: %
  5. Wind Speed: Wind speed. Unit Default: meter/sec
  6. Wind Direction: Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
  7. Latitude: City geolocation, latitude
  8. Longitude: City geolocation, longitude
  9. Time
    1. Data Capture:
    2. Sunrise
    3. Sunset
  10. City

Note: The API call can be done only 2 times per minute. If the user wants to have the data more frequently, they have to add the custom API using set Weather API to () block.


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