The block runs an API call to get the weather data of the location specified with the Longitude and Latitude.
- Weather: Group of weather parameters (Rain, Snow, Extreme, etc.)
- Temperature:
- Current in Celcius
- Max in Celcius: Maximum temperature at the moment. This is the maximal currently observed temperature (within large megalopolises and urban areas).
- Min in Celcius: Minimum temperature at the moment. This is the minimal currently observed temperature (within large megalopolises and urban areas).
- Current in Fahrenheit
- Max in Fahrenheit
- Min in Fahrenheit
- Pressure: Atmospheric pressure (on the sea level, if there is no sea_level or grnd_level data), hPa
- Humidity: %
- Wind Speed: Wind speed. Unit Default: meter/sec
- Wind Direction: Wind direction, degrees (meteorological)
- Latitude: City geolocation, latitude
- Longitude: City geolocation, longitude
- Time
- Data Capture:
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- City
Note: The API call can be done only 2 times per minute. If the user wants to have the data more frequently, they have to add the custom API using set Weather API to () block.