Table of Contents

set () to ()


The block will set the specified variable to the given value: a string or number.


The example demonstrates how to add gravity into the project on a bouncing ball.


  1. Main Script to change the speed and position parameters of the ball.
  2. Custom function to initialize the ball position and speed with random variables.
  3. Custom function to check the boundary conditions and set the rules.


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The example demonstrates how to use a repeat block to recite a table in PictoBlox.



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The examples show how to use pose recognition in PictoBlox to maintain a yoga pose for a particular time interval.


The idea is simple, we’ll add one image of  each class in the “costume” column by making one new sprite which will we display on the stage according to input from user. we’ll also change name of the image according to pose.

  1. Add testing images to the backdrop and delete the default backdrop.
  2. Now, come back to the coding tab and select the Tobi sprite.
  3. We’ll start by adding a when flag clicked block from the Events palette.
  4. We made the new variable “count” by choosing the “Make a Variable” option from the Variables palette.
  5. Add the “hide variable () block from the Variables palette. Select count.
  6. Add the “turn () video on stage with () transparency” block from the Machine Learning palette. Select the off option at the first empty place, and for the second, write a 0 value.
  7. Add an “ask () and wait” block from the Sensing palette. Write an appropriate statement in an empty place.
  8. Add the “if () then” block from the control palette for checking the user’s input.
  9. In the empty place of the “if () then” block, add a condition checking block from the operators palette block. At the first empty place, put the answer block from the sensing palette, and at the second place, write an appropriate statement.
  10. Inside the “if () then” block, add a “broadcast ()” block from the Events palette block. Select the “New message” option and write an appropriate statement for broadcasting a message to another sprite.
  11. Add the “turn () video on stage with () transparency” block from the Machine Learning palette. Select the option at the first empty place, and for the second, write a 0 value.
  12. Add the “() key points” block from the Machine Learning palette. Select the show option.
  13. Add the “Set () to ()” block from the Variables palette. Select the count option at the first empty place, and for the second, write a 30 value.
  14. Add the Show variable () block from the Variables palette. Select count.
  15. Add “forever” from the Control palette.
  16. Inside the “forever” block, add an “analysis image from ()” block from the Machine Learning palette. Select the Web camera option.
  17. Inside the “forever” block, add an “if () then” block from the Control palette.
  18. In the empty place of the “if () then” block, add an “is identified class ()” block from the Machine Learning palette. Select the appropriate class from the options.
  19. Inside the “if () then” block, add an “say ()” block from the Looks palette block. Write an appropriate statement in an empty place.
  20. Add “change () by ()” from the Variables palette. Select the count option in the first empty place, and for the second, write a -1 value.

  21. Add the “if () then” block from the control palette for checking the user’s input.
  22. In the empty place of the “if () then” block, add a condition checking block from the operators palette block. In the first empty place, put the “count” block from the sensing palette, and in the second place, write 0.
  23. Add the “Set () to ()” block from the Variables palette. Select the count option at the first empty place, and for the second, write a 30 value.
  24. Add the “turn () video on stage with () transparency” block from the Machine Learning palette. Select the off option at the first empty place, and for the second, write a 0 value.
  25. Inside the “if () then” block, add an “say ()” block from the Looks palette block. Write an appropriate statement in an empty place.
  26. Add the “() key points” block from the Machine Learning palette. Select the hide option
  27. Add the “stop ()” block to the control pallet. Select all options.
  28. Repeat “if () then” block code for other classes, make appropriate changes in copying block code according to other classes, and add code just below it.
  29. The final block code looks like
  30. Now click on another sprite and write code.
  31. We’ll start writing code for this sprite by adding a when flag is clicked block from the Events palette.
  32. Add the “hide” block from the Looks pallet.
  33. Write a new code in the same sprite according to class and add the “when I receive ()” block from the Events palette. Select the appropriate class from the options.
  34. Add the “show” block from the Looks pallet.
  35. Add the “switch costume to ()” block from the Looks palette. Select the appropriate class from the options.
  36. Repeat the same code for other classes and make changes according to the class.

    Final Result

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Discover the exciting world of face-tracking robots and learn how to code one using sensors and algorithms.


A face-tracking robot is a type of robot that uses sensors and algorithms to detect and track human faces in real time. The robot’s sensors, such as cameras or infrared sensors, capture images or videos of the surrounding environment and use computer vision techniques to analyze the data and identify human faces.

Face-tracking robots have many potential applications, including in security systems, entertainment, and personal robotics. For example, a face-tracking robot could be used in a museum or amusement park to interact with visitors, or in a home as a companion robot that can recognize and follow the faces of family members.

One of the most fascinating activities is face tracking, in which the Humanoid can detect a face and move its head in the same direction as yours. How intriguing it sounds, so let’s get started with the coding for a face-tracking Humanoid robot.


  1. If the face is tracked at the center of the stage, the Humanoid should be straight.
  2. As the face moves to the left side, the Humanoid will also move to the left side.
  3. As the face moves to the right side, the Humanoid will also move to the right side.

Code Explained

  1. Drag and drop the when green flag clicked block from the Events palette.
  2. Then, add a turn () video on stage with () % transparency block from the Face Detection extension and select one from the drop-down. This will turn on the camera.
  3. Add the set head pin () FLeft () FRight () BLeft () BRight () block from the Humanoid extension.
  4. Click on the green flag and your camera should start. Make sure this part is working before moving further.
  5. Add the forever block below turn () video on stage with () % transparency from the Control palette.
  6. Inside the forever block, add an analyzed image from the () block. This block will analyze the face the camera detects. Select the camera from the dropdown.
  7. Create a variable called Angle that will track the angle of the face. Based on the angle, the robot will move to adjust its position.
  8. Here comes the logical part as in this, the position of the face on the stage matters a lot. Keeping that in mind, we will add the division () / () block from the Operator palette into the scripting area.
  9. Place get () of the face () at the first place of addition () + (), and 3 at the second place. From the dropdown select X position.
  10. If the angle value is greater than 90, the Humanoid will move left at a specific speed. If the angle is less than 90, the Humanoid will move right at a specific speed. If the angle is exactly 90, the Humanoid will return to its home position.

Block Explained

  1. Create a variable called Angle and assign it the value of the face’s position.
  2. At the center of the stage, we will get the X position value which is zero.
  3. As we move to the left side the X position value will give you the negative value and as we move to the right side the X position value will give you the positive value.
  4. The x position value is divided by 3 which gives precise positioning.
  5. To set the angle at 90 when the face is at the center of the stage we have added 90 to the X position value.
  6. As we move to the left side the angle value will get decreased as the X position value is going in negative.
  7. As we move to the right side the angle value will get increased as the X position value is going in positive.



Our next step is to check whether it is working right or not. Whenever your face will come in front of the camera, it should detect it and as you move to the right or left, the head of your  Humanoid robot should also move accordingly.

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The examples show how to use pose recognition in PictoBlox to make jumping jack counter.


In this example project, we are going to create a machine learning model that can count the number of jumping jack activities from the camera feed.

Pose Classifier in Machine Learning Environment

The pose Classifier is the extension of the ML Environment used for classifying different body poses into different classes.

The model works by analyzing your body position with the help of 17 data points.

Pose Classifier Workflow

  1. Open PictoBlox and create a new file.
  2. You can click on “Machine Learning Environment” to open it.
  3. Click on “Create New Project“.
  4. A window will open. Type in a project name of your choice and select the “Pose Classifier” extension. Click the “Create Project” button to open the Pose Classifier window.
  5. You shall see the Pose Classifier workflow with two classes already made for you. Your environment is all set. Now it’s time to upload the data.

Class in Pose Classifier

Class is the category in which the Machine Learning model classifies the poses. Similar posts are put in one class.

There are 2 things that you have to provide in a class:

  1. Class Name: The name to which the class will be referred.
  2. Pose Data: This data can be taken from the webcam or uploaded from local storage.

Adding Data to Class

You can perform the following operations to manipulate the data into a class.

  1. Naming the Class: You can rename the class by clicking on the edit button.
  2. Adding Data to the Class: You can add the data using the Webcam or by Uploading the files from the local folder.
    1. Webcam:

Training the Model

After data is added, it’s fit to be used in model training. To do this, we have to train the model. By training the model, we extract meaningful information from the hand pose, and that in turn updates the weights. Once these weights are saved, we can use our model to predict previously unseen data.

The accuracy of the model should increase over time. The x-axis of the graph shows the epochs, and the y-axis represents the accuracy at the corresponding epoch. Remember, the higher the reading in the accuracy graph, the better the model. The range of accuracy is 0 to 1.

Testing the Model

To test the model, simply enter the input values in the “Testing” panel and click on the “Predict” button.

The model will return the probability of the input belonging to the classes.

Export in Block Coding

Click on the “Export Model” button on the top right of the Testing box, and PictoBlox will load your model into the Block Coding Environment if you have opened the ML Environment in the Block Coding.


The idea is simple, after running code we will do jumping jack activity in front of camera and tobi sprite will say counting of jumping jack.

  1. Select the Tobi sprite.
  2. We’ll start by adding a when flag clicked block from the Events palette.
  3. We made the new variable “count” by choosing the “Make a Variable” option from the Variables palette.
  4. Also we made the new variable “temp” by choosing the “Make a Variable” option from the Variables palette.
  5. Add “forever” from the Control palette.
  6. Inside the “forever” block, add an “analysis image from ()” block from the Machine Learning palette. Select the Web camera option.
  7. Inside the “forever” block, add an “if () then” block from the Control palette.
  8. In the empty place of the “if () then” block, add an “key () pressed?” block from the Sensing palette. Select the ‘q’ key from the options.
  9. Inside the “if () then” block, add the “Set () to ()” block from the Variables palette. Select the count option at the first empty place, and for the second, write a 0 value.
  10. Also add the “Set () to ()” block from the Variables palette. Select the temp option at the first empty place, and for the second, write a 0 value.
  11. Inside the “forever” block, add an new “if () then” block from the Control palette.
  12. In the empty place of the “if () then” block, add an “is identified class ()” block from the Machine Learning palette. Select the ‘Upper hand‘ option from the options.
  13. Inside the “if () then” block, add the “Set () to ()” block from the Variables palette. Select the temp option at the first empty place, and for the second, write a 1 value.
  14. Inside the “forever” block, add an new “if () then” block from the Control palette.
  15. In the empty place of the “if () then” block, add an “is identified class ()” block from the Machine Learning palette. Select the ‘Down hand‘ option from the options.
  16. Inside the “if () then” block, add the another “if () then” block from the Control palette.
  17. In the empty place of the “if () then” block, add a condition checking block from the operators palette block. At the first empty place, put the temp variable from the variables palette, and at the second place, write a 1 value.
  18. Inside the “if () then” block, add the “Set () to ()” block from the Variables palette. Select the count option at the first empty place, and for the second, write a 1 value.
  19. Also add the “Set () to ()” block from the Variables palette. Select the temp option at the first empty place, and for the second, write a 0 value
  20. Inside the “if () then” block, add an “say () for () seconds” block from the Looks palette block. At the first empty place, add the “join () ()” block from operator palette and at the second place, write a 2 value.
  21. Inside “join () ()” block at the first empty place, write the appropriate statement and at the second place, add count variable from Variables palette.

    Final Output


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Learn how to code logic for speech recognized control of Mars Rover with this example block code. You will be able to direct your own Mars Rover easily by just speaking commands.

Learn how to code logic for speech recognized control of Mars Rover with this example block code. You will be able to direct your own Mars Rover easily by just speaking commands.


A speech recognized controlled Mars Rover robot is a robot that can recognize and interpret our speech, verbal commands, given by a human. The code uses the speech recognition model that will be able to record and analyze your speech given and react accordingly on the Mars Rover.

Speech recognition robots can be used in manufacturing and other industrial settings to control machinery, perform quality control checks, and monitor equipment.

They are also used to help patients with disabilities to communicate with their caregivers, or to provide medication reminders and other health-related information.

Main Code:


  1. Firstly, the code initializes the Mars Rover pins and starts recording the microphone of the device to store the audio command of the user.
  2. The code then checks conditions whether the command included the word “Go” or not. You can use customized commands and test for different conditions on your own.
  3. If the first condition stands false, the code again checks for different keywords that are included in the command.
  4. When any condition stands true, the robot will align itself accordingly and move in that direction of the respective command.


Forward-Backward Motions:

Right-Left Motions:

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