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Student Records – Tuple

Example Description
Learn how to store and print student records using tuples in Python. See the example code and understand the logic behind it.


This Python code shows how to store records of students in a tuple and print them. Each record contains the student’s serial number, roll number, name, and marks.


#To store records of students in tuple and print them
print("S_No"," Roll_No"," Name"," Marks")
for i in range(0,len(st)):


  1. Create a tuple called ‘st’ that contains the student records.
  2. Each record is represented as a tuple itself, with the serial number, roll number, name, and marks as elements.
  3. Print the header of the table, specifying the column names.
  4. Use a for loop to iterate through each record in the ‘st’ tuple.
  5. Inside the loop, print the serial number, roll number, name, and marks of each student.


>> S_No Roll_No Name Marks

>> 1         101           Aman   98

>> 2        102          Geet       95

>> 3        103          Sahil      87

>> 4        104          Pawan   79