Table of Contents

Smart Coke Dispenser

Example Description
The project demonstrates how to make an IR sensor-activated coke dispenser.

The project demonstrates how to make an IR sensoractivated coke dispenser.


We are using 2 devices in this project:

  1. IR Sensor: The IR sensor provides information if there is an obstacle in front or not. The IR sensor connections are as follows:
    1. GND Pin connected to GND of the Quarky Expansion Board.
    2. VCC Pin connected to VCC of the Quarky Expansion Board.
    3. Signal Pin connected to D3 of the Quarky Expansion Board.
  2. The Water Pump Connected to the Relay: The water pump is turned on and off by a relay connected to a smart switch in the IoT house. When the relay is turned ON, the smart switch also turns ON, activating the water pump. The relay has the following connections:
    1. GND Pin connected to GND of the Quarky Expansion Board.
    2. VCC Pin connected to VCC of the Quarky Expansion Board.
    3. Signal Pin connected to Servo 8 of the Quarky Expansion Board.


The script is simple. The relay turns ON when the IR sensor is active, else OFF.
