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Prime Numbers between 2 to 50-Nested Loops

Example Description
Learn to use nested loops to find prime numbers between 2 to 50. Prime numbers are numbers that are divisible only by 1 and themselves.


This Python code demonstrates the use of nested loops to find prime numbers between the range of 2 to 50. Prime numbers are numbers that are divisible only by 1 and themselves.


#Use of nested loops to find the prime numbers between 2 to 50
num = 2
for i in range(2, 50):
 j= 2
 while ( j <= (i/2)):
  if (i % j == 0): #factor found
   break #break out of while loop
  j += 1
 if ( j > i/j) : #no factor found
  print ( i, "is a prime number")
print ("Bye Bye!!")


  1. The code initializes a variable “num” with a value of 2.
  2. It then uses a for loop to iterate through the numbers from 2 to 50.
  3. Within the for loop, a variable “j” is set to 2.
  4. The code then enters a while loop that checks if “j” is less than or equal to half of “i”.
  5. If the condition is true, it checks if “i” is divisible by “j”.
  6. If a factor is found, the code breaks out of the while loop.
  7. If the loop completes without finding a factor, it means that “i” is a prime number.


>> 2 is a prime number

>> 3 is a prime number

>> 5 is a prime number

>> 7 is a prime number

>> 11 is a prime number

>> 13 is a prime number

>> 17 is a prime number

>> 19 is a prime number

>> 23 is a prime number

>> 29 is a prime number

>> 31 is a prime number

>> 37 is a prime number

>> 41 is a prime number

>> 43 is a prime number

>> 47 is a prime number

>> Bye Bye!!