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Display Mixed Fraction for an Improper Fraction

Example Description
Display a mixed fraction for an improper fraction. Check if the input fraction is improper and call the mixedFraction() function for display.


This Python code allows users to input a numerator and denominator and checks if it forms an improper fraction. If it is an improper fraction, the code calls a function called mixedFraction() to display the mixed fraction. If the fraction evaluates to a whole number, it will display a message indicating that.


#Function to display mixed fraction for an improper fraction
#The requirements are listed below:
 #1. Input numerator and denominator from the user.
 #2. Check if the entered numerator and denominator form a proper fraction.
 #3. If they do not form a proper fraction, then call mixedFraction().
 #4. mixedFraction()display a mixed fraction only when the fraction does not evaluate to a whole number.
def mixedFraction(num,deno = 1):
 remainder = num % deno
#check if the fraction does not evaluate to a whole number
 if remainder!= 0: 
  quotient = int(num/deno)
  print("The mixed fraction=", quotient,"(",remainder, "/", deno,")")
  print("The given fraction evaluates to a whole number")
#function ends here
num = int(input("Enter the numerator: "))
deno = int(input("Enter the denominator: "))
print("You entered:",num,"/",deno)
if num > deno: #condition to check whether the fraction is improper
 mixedFraction(num,deno) #function call
 print("It is a proper fraction")


  1. Get the numerator and denominator from the user.
  2. Check if the entered fraction is an improper fraction (num > deno).
  3. If it is an improper fraction, call the mixedFraction() function.
  4. In the mixedFraction() function:
    – Calculate the remainder of the fraction (num % deno).
    – If the remainder is not 0, calculate the quotient (num/deno) and print the mixed fraction as “The mixed fraction = quotient (remainder/denominator)”.
    – If the remainder is 0, print “The given fraction evaluates to a whole number”.
  5. If the fraction is not an improper fraction, print “It is a proper fraction”.


The output of this code will be the display of the entered fraction and whether it is a proper fraction or an improper fraction. If it is an improper fraction, the mixed fraction will be displayed.

Enter the numerator: 10

Enter the denominator: 7

>> You entered: 10 / 7

>> The mixed fraction= 1 ( 3 / 7 )