Table of Contents

Basic Math Module Arithmetic Operations

Example Description
This module contains basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division that can be performed on numbers.


The “basic_math” module is designed to perform basic arithmetic operations on numbers. It contains user-defined functions for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This module is useful for performing simple calculations in various applications.


#The requirement is:
 #1. Write a docstring describing the module.
 #2. Write user defined functions as per the specification.
 #3. Save the file.
 #4. Import at shell prompt and execute the functions.
 basic_math Module
This module contains basic arithmetic operations
that can be carried out on numbers
#Beginning of module
def addnum(x,y):
 return(x + y)
def subnum(x,y):
 return(x - y)
def multnum(x,y):
 return(x * y)
def divnum(x,y):
 if y == 0:
  print ("Division by Zero Error")
  return (x/y) 
#End of module


  1. The module defines four user-defined functions:
    addnum(x, y): This function takes two numbers as input and returns their sum.
    subnum(x, y): This function takes two numbers as input and returns their difference.
    multnum(x, y): This function takes two numbers as input and returns their product.
    divnum(x, y): This function takes two numbers as input and returns their quotient, except when the divisor is zero, in which case it prints a “Division by Zero Error” message.
  2. The “addnum” function adds the two input numbers and returns their sum.
  3. The “subnum” function subtracts the second input number from the first input number and returns the difference.
  4. The “multnum” function multiplies the two input numbers and returns their product.
  5. The “divnum” function checks if the second input number is zero. If it is zero, it prints a “Division by Zero Error” message. Otherwise, it returns the quotient of the first input number divided by the second input number.


  1. The output of calling any of the functions in the “basic_math” module will depend on the input provided.
  2. For example, calling the “addnum” function with inputs of 5 and 3 will return 8.
  3. Calling the “divnum” function with inputs of 10 and 2 will return 5.
  4. In other case, Calling the “divnum” function with inputs of 10 and 0 will print “Division by Zero Error”.