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Python Exception Handling: Handling Exceptions Without Specifying an Exception

Example Description
Learn how to handle exceptions in Python without specifying a specific exception type. This comprehensive tutorial explores the use of a generic except block for robust error management.


Exception handling is a fundamental aspect of Python programming to manage errors gracefully. In this tutorial, we delve into handling exceptions without specifying a particular exception type. We demonstrate the use of a generic except block to catch any unanticipated exceptions. With a practical example, you’ll gain valuable insights into managing unforeseen errors in your Python code.


print("Handling exceptions without naming them")
 denom=int(input("Enter the denominator"))
 print("Division performed successfully")
except ValueError:
 print("Only INTEGERS should be entered")


  1. Display the message “Handling exceptions without naming them” to indicate the purpose of the code.
  2. The try block is introduced to encapsulate the code that may raise exceptions during execution.
  3. The variable numerator is set to 50. The input is converted to an integer using int() and stored in the denom variable.
  4. If the user enters a valid integer value for the denominator, the program proceeds to calculate the quotient (numerator/denom). The message “Division performed successfully” is printed to indicate the successful division.
  5. If the user enters a non-integer value (e.g., a string) for the denominator, a ValueError occurs during the conversion.
  6. If any other unanticipated exception occurs (not a ValueError), the generic except block catches it.
  7. The except block is executed with the message “OOPS…..SOME EXCEPTION RAISED,” providing a generic response for any unhandled exceptions.


>>Handling exceptions without naming them

>>Enter the denominator: 5

>>Division performed successfully

>>Enter the denominator: abc

>>Only INTEGERS should be entered

>>Enter the denominator: 0