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Calculate Payable Amount for a Tent | Pictoblox

Example Description
This program calculates the canvas area based on tent dimensions, computes the canvas cost, adds tax, and determines the net payable amount.


This Python program calculates the payable amount for a tent based on the dimensions provided. It calculates the area of the canvas needed, the cost of the canvas, and adds tax to determine the net amount payable by the customer.


#Program to calculate the payable amount for the tent without 
print( "Enter values for the cylindrical part of the tent in meters\n")
h = float(input("Enter height of the cylindrical part: "))
r = float(input("Enter radius: "))
l = float(input("Enter the slant height of the conical part in meters: "))
csa_conical = 3.14*r*l #Area of conical part
csa_cylindrical = 2*3.14*r*h #Area of cylindrical part
#Calculate area of the canvas used for making the tent
canvas_area = csa_conical + csa_cylindrical
print("The area of the canvas is",canvas_area,"m^2")
#Calculate cost of the canvas
unit_price = float(input("Enter the cost of 1 m^2 canvas: "))
total_cost= unit_price * canvas_area
print("The total cost of canvas = ",total_cost)
#Add tax to the total cost to calculate net amount payable by the customer
tax = 0.18 * total_cost;
net_price = total_cost + tax
print("Net amount payable = ",net_price)


  1. The program takes inputs for the dimensions of the tent (height, radius, and slant height of the conical part) and
  2. Calculates the area of the canvas needed by adding the areas of the conical and cylindrical parts.
  3. It then takes input for the cost of 1 square meter of canvas and calculates the total cost of the canvas.
  4. Finally, it adds tax to the total cost to determine the net amount payable by the customer.


>> Enter values for the cylindrical part of the tent in meters

>> Enter height of the cylindrical part: 3

>> Enter radius: 6

>> Enter the slant height of the conical part in meters: 8

>> The area of the canvas is 263.76 m^2

>> Enter the cost of 1 m^2 canvas: 26

>> The total cost of canvas = 6857.76

>> Net amount payable = 8092.156800000001