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Find Factors of a Number Using While Loop

Example Description
Find the factors of a number using a while loop in Python. This code example will help you understand the logic and provide the output.


This code example demonstrates how to find the factors of a given number using a while loop in Python. By entering a number, the program will display all the factors of that number.


#Find the factors of a number using while loop
num = int(input("Enter a number to find its factor: "))
print (1, end=' ') #1 is a factor of every number
factor = 2 
while factor <= num/2 :
 if num % factor == 0:
#the optional parameter end of print function specifies the delimeter 
#blank space(' ') to print next value on same line 
  print(factor, end=' ') 
 factor += 1
print (num, end=' ') #every number is a factor of itself


  1. Accept a number from the user as input.
  2. Initialize the factor variable to 2.
  3. While the factor is less than or equal to half of the number:
    a. Check if the number is divisible by the factor using the modulo operator.
    b. If the number is divisible, print the factor.
    c. Increment the factor by 1.
  4.  Print the number itself as a factor.


The program will display all the factors of the entered number. The factors will be printed on a single line, separated by a blank space.

>> 1 2 3 4 6 12