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Implicit Type Conversion & Data Types | Pictoblox

Example Description
Implicit type conversion demonstrates how Python automatically converts integers to floats and displays the result and data type.


This Python code illustrates the concept of implicit type conversion in Python. It showcases how Python converts integers to floats automatically and displays the result along with the data type.


#Implicit type conversion from int to float
num1 = 10 #num1 is an integer
num2 = 20.0 #num2 is a float
sum1 = num1 + num2 #sum1 is sum of a float and an integer


1. The code initializes two variables: ‘num1’ with the value 10 (an integer) and ‘num2’ with the value 20.0 (a float).
2. The code performs addition on ‘num1’ and ‘num2’ and assigns the result to ‘sum1’.
3. The code then prints the value of ‘sum1’ and its data type.


>> 30.0

>> <class ‘float’>