set servos () () () () () () () () at () speed


The block sets the servo motors of the quadruped to the specified angles at the specified speed.

Available Speed:

If you want to perform the change in the servo angle at a different speed, then you can use a variable to define the speed.


Learn how to create a crawling motion with a quadruped robot using individual servo control.


The project demonstrates how to make the crawling motion with Quadruped using individual servo control.


For this project, we are using the set servos () () () () () () () () at () speed block that sets the servo motors of the quadruped to the specified angles at the specified speed.

There are four positions of the robot we are going to make to create the crawling motion:

  1. Position 1

  2. Position 2
  3. Position 3

  4. Position 4



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Discover how the Quadruped robot can detect and respond to the presence of a hand in its environment.

The project demonstrates how to make the Quadruped detect the hand in front of it and move according.

Type 1 – Forward Backward

The logic is simple. If the distance measured from the ultrasonic sensor is less the robot will move toward the hand. Else the robot will lean backward.


Type 2 – Upside Down

If the distance measured from the ultrasonic sensor is less the robot will face upwards towards the hand. Else the robot will look downward.


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Explore the functionality of our obstacle avoidance robot equipped with an ultrasonic sensor. Discover how it intelligently detects obstacles.


This project of obstacle avoidance is for a robot that will move around and look for obstacles. It uses an ultrasonic sensor to measure the distance. If the distance is less than 20 cm, it will stop and look in both directions to see if it can move forward. If it can, it will turn left or right. If not, it will make a U-turn. The robot will also light up an LED display to show where it is going.


This code is making a robot move around and explore its surroundings. It has an ultrasonic sensor that can measure the distance between objects.

  1. First, it checks if the distance measured by the sensor is less than 20 cm.
  2. If it is, it draws a stop sign pattern on the LED display and makes the robot stop and look straight. Then it looks left and checks if the distance is greater than 40 cm. If it is, it draws a left arrow pattern on the LED display and makes the robot turn left.
  3. If not, it looks right and checks if the distance is greater than 40 cm. If it is, it draws a right arrow pattern on the LED display and makes the robot turn right.
  4. If not, it draws a U arrow pattern on the LED display and makes the robot make a U-turn.
  5. If the distance measured by the ultrasonic sensor is not less than 20 cm, the code will make the robot move forward.




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