Quarky Wheels Troubleshooting

Gain valuable insights into troubleshooting common issues related to Quarky's wheels. As a crucial component of Quarky's movement, it's essential to u…

Quarky Drivers Troubleshooting

Gain valuable insights into troubleshooting common driver-related issues with Quarky. Drivers play a crucial role in establishing communication betwee…

Quarky Motors Troubleshooting

Gain valuable insights into troubleshooting common issues related to Quarky's motors. As the driving force behind Quarky's movement, it's essential to…

Getting Started with Quarky

Introductory guide to help you get started with Quarky, the reprogrammable robot. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced user, this module will p…

Quarky Firmware Troubleshooting

Gain valuable insights into troubleshooting common firmware-related issues with Quarky. Firmware plays a critical role in the functioning and performa…

Quarky Battery Troubleshooting

Delve into the process of connecting and managing Quarky's battery. You will discover the steps involved in properly installing the battery, ensuring …

Quarky Serial Port Connection

Explore the process of establishing a serial port connection with Quarky. You will understand how to connect Quarky to your computer using a USB cable…

Enrollment for Quarky Courses

Learn how to purchase Quarky. Find and enroll yourself to courses via your kit code. Also learn about attaching battery and connection with Pictoblox.

Quarky Bluetooth Troubleshooting

Learn how to connect Quarky with smartphone. Rename your Quarky with a funky nick name. Also learn how to connect Quarky with web version.

How to Use IR Sensors in Quarky Robot

Learn how to use Infrared (IR) sensors in the Quarky robot with PictoBlox Block and Python coding environment. Discover how to calibrate the IR sensor…

Introduction to Quarky Touch Sensors

Learn about touch sensors and how to use them with Quarky and PictoBlox. Get step-by-step instructions on calibrating the touch sensors in the Quarky …