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AutoHang-The Smart Rainy Season Cloth-Protector

Advika Chatterjee, a 10-year-old student from India, has developed an innovative and convenient community project – AutoHang – to keep clothes safe and dry during unexpected rainfall. AutoHang is a smart rainy season hanger, designed to detect rain using ultrasonic water sensors. When rain is detected, the advanced motorized mechanism retracts the hanger inside the window, thus protecting the clothes.

PictoBlox, the graphical programming technology, was used to code the project. The coding was done using Arduino UNO and a servo motor, which controls the automatic movement of the hanger. The Dabble extension was used to enable evive and Arduino to communicate. To create the physical model, materials like cardboard, thermocol stickers, clay, colored paper, etc were used.

AutoHang helps in providing convenience and peace of mind to the users, ensuring that their clothes remain secured during rain. This project has been sponsored by Codeavour 2022 and won a huge appreciation for Advika.

PictoBlox Extensions/Library Used

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