Machine Learning Environment - PictoBlox

PictoBlox provides a comprehensive Machine-Learning Environment for kids and beginners. PictoBlox offers 7 Machine Learning models, such as Image Classifier, Object Detection, Pose Classifier, Hand-Pose Classifier, Audio Classifier, Number Classification, Regression, and Text Classifier. Training ML models in PictoBlox is done in three steps – Collect the data, Train the model, and Test the model. It features a step-by-step guide and video tutorials that are suitable for all levels, allowing kids to start learning in either a block or Python coding environment.
Getting Started with Machine Learning Environment in Block Coding!
These tutorials provide an introduction to working with Machine Learning (ML) models in PictoBlox with Block coding. With a step–by–step approach, users will learn how to create and use ML models in PictoBlox.
Getting Started with Machine Learning Environment in Python Coding!
These tutorials provide an introduction to working with Machine Learning (ML) models in PictoBlox with Python coding. With a step–by–step approach, users will learn how to create and use ML models in PictoBlox.
PictoBlox Extensions for ML Environments
Refer to the documentation of ML PictoBlox Extensions to understand how to use the blocks and functions.