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Keep Passwords Secure with VihaanN’s Blackboard

In the modern world, keeping passwords secure can be a challenge as hackers can easily access sensitive data.VihaanN’s Blackboard, an innovative password management app, met this challenge. Blackboard offers secure storage and management of passwords and serves three main segments – banking, entertainment, and gaming.

To sign up, the user takes face recognition input and can then create a unique password. For added security, users must verify their identity using face recognition when seeking to edit or save passwords. Users can utilize face recognition to securely store passwords, Re-authenticate themselves every time they want to view or save passwords.

On the View and Save Passwords page, users can select which password they would like to change, enter their name, and give face recognition. When editing and saving passwords, users can select Banking, Entertainment, or Gaming, to choose the right passcode for each app.

Blackboard ensures the safety of users’ data, automatically saves users’ passwords and facial biometrics in an app, and extends its services with project extensions like face detection (using Python) and text-to-speech.

Blackboard makes it easier for users to remember their passwords and stay safe online. The app is currently available and offers users an enhanced and secure experience.

PictoBlox Extensions/Library Used


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