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Smart Fridge with Object Detection for Improved Accessibility

The Smart Fridge is a visionary project aiding visually impaired individuals by utilizing object detection and microcontrollers. It enables accurate identification of stored items and their expiration dates, enhancing accessibility and independence. This innovative solution combines PictoBlox software, object detection technology, ML, AI, TTS, microcontrollers, actuators, evive & Arduino, sensors, Dabble, and Display Modules.

The system comprises four components: a camera, four buttons, a code, and a speaker. The camera identifies objects and announces their expiration dates. Four labeled buttons allow users to save new products or check expiration dates. The code acts as a bridge between components, while the speaker vocalizes the expiration dates. This revolutionary system empowers visually impaired individuals to effortlessly and precisely manage their daily food storage requirements. With its inclusive design, it offers a new level of accessibility and convenience.

PictoBlox Extensions/Library Used

Display Modules

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