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Pharma Doctor- Secure Medication Reminder Box with AI-Powered Symptom Analysis

Taking medication correctly and on time is crucial for maintaining good health. Especially for elderly individuals who often struggle with organizing their medications. Powered by advanced AI technology and implemented using PictoBlox, this project aims to simplify medication management and ensure adherence to prescribed regimens.

Pharma Doctor is a secure medication reminder box that features four compartments. The project began with simple designs and evolved into an elegant square pyramid-shaped enclosure crafted with laser-cut glass. This device incorporates a virtual doctor, capable of analyzing symptoms and suggesting appropriate medications based on individual medical needs.

Using machine learning algorithms, Pharma Doctor can describe any medication placed in front of its built-in camera. This provides users with valuable information about the medication’s purpose and usage. The device includes a heartbeat sensor that measures the user’s heart rate and alerts them if it falls outside the normal range. This functionality serves as an added precautionary measure, ensuring the user’s well-being.

PictoBlox Extensions/Library Used


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