The Borewell Rescue Robot is a special solution to safely rescue individuals stuck in borewells. This robot uses PictoBlox software to control its foldable 3D printed arm, camera, LED flashlight, and oxygen pipe that help in efficient and reliable rescue operations.
It has a designed flexible arm attached to a gear motor, an esp32 camera module to locate the child, an L298 motor driver to rotate the shaft, and a 12 Volt rechargeable battery to power the robot. The neutron bolt makes the movement up and down possible to open and close the flexible arm.
The robot uses PictoBlox software and a Bluetooth module to control the robot’s movements via a Bluetooth connection. When the robot is lowered into the borewell, it locates the child and checks how far the child is located and the movement of the child using the esp32 camera module. The robot can then gently close the flexible arm around the child and bring them up safely.
This project holds immense potential to make a real impact and save lives. The goal is to successfully prevent such tragedies from occurring.