Dance Motion With Humonoid

Example Description


Dance motion with humanoid refers to using a robot that has a human-like appearance to perform dance movements. These robots are pre-programmed with various dance sequences and can also be customized to create unique dance routines.

To make the robot move, we need to use code to control its motors and servos. The code can be created using a programming tools/language such Pictoblox, Python, or Arduino. The code tells the robot which movements to make, such as lifting its arms, bending its knees, or spinning around.

Different actions can be used to create different dance moves, and the dance can be accompanied by music or sound effects. The robot can also be programmed to display different colors or patterns on its body as it moves.

Humanoid robots is a fun and creative way to explore the intersection between technology and the arts.



  1. Here, we use the pre-defined dance and sequence of humanoid in our code.
  2. To begin, we first initialize the humanoid extension and set up all the required pins by dragging and dropping the necessary blocks.
  3. We use a forever loop to continuously play the dance sequence along with different sounds and display matrices.
  4. To make the dance sequence more interesting, we use different actions with the ‘do() action()() times() speed’ block. It’s quite fascinating.
  5. You can even try out your own dance movements by using different actions and adding your own creativity.


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