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EnviroShield: Combating Exo-Pollution Through Interative Gameplay

Introducing EnviroShield, an educational game created using PictoBlox, designed to enlighten children about environmental conservation. The game encourages ecofriendly habits and responsible actions to combat pollution, both on Earth and in space. The game emphasizes interactive gameplay, engaging activities, and challenging quizzes to educate children about pollution. Children learn about the consequences of pollution on the environment and living creatures through the game.

To aid players with this mission, EnviroShield provides the perfect platform to introduce children to the basics of Earth and space pollution from the causes to its farreaching effects. Additionally, the game features multiplechoice quizzes on plants to help expand players knowledge of the plant kingdom. All these facets of the game lead to an exciting and engaging experience, with players emerging as champions of a cleaner and greener world.

EnviroShield is created by George Micheal Melad from Egypt under the project category of Animation. Download the PictoBlox file to help kids embark on this learning adventure and make an impact!

PictoBlox Extensions/Library Used

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