Introducing Project Chidiya Uddhhh, an innovative project created by Pradarsh Sawant to protect grains from birds in rural areas. Utilizing a PIR sensor, buzzer, and servo motor, this project effectively deters birds from approaching the drying grains. It provides a practical and cost-effective solution that ensures the safety of agricultural produce for villagers to preserve valuable resources.
The project uses PictoBlox with the “Dabble” extension which has all the blocks that allow evive and other Arduino boards to communicate with Dabble. For the project setup, the robot is positioned nearby the grains. When a bird flocks nearby, the PIR sensor detects the motion and initiates the buzzer to scare the bird away. The servo motor further assists in returning the robot to its original position.
Project Chidiya Uddhhh is a testament to how technology can effectively solve problems faced by people in rural areas. By implementing it, villages can protect their resources from being wasted or stolen by birds.