
Function Definition: Humanoid(Right Hip = 7, Left Hip = 2, Right Foot = 6, Left Foot = 3, Right Hand = 8, Left Hand = 1)


NameTypeDescriptionExpected ValuesDefault Value
Right HipintThe servo port at which the Right Hip Servo Motor is connected.1-87
Left HipintThe servo port at which the Left Hip Servo Motor is connected.1-82
Right FootintThe servo port at which the Right Foot Servo Motor is connected.1-86
Left FootintThe servo port at which the Left Foot Servo Motor is connected.1-83
Right HandintThe servo port at which the Right Hand Servo Motor is connected.1-88
Left HandintThe servo port at which the Left Hand Servo Motor is connected.1-81


The function initializes the humanoid robot object in Python and maps the 6 servos to the specified pins.


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