Mika, a student from GWA Gems World Academy in Dubai, had an innovative idea to help deaf individuals during emergencies. Using Machine Learning AI, Artificial Intelligence, and Quirky hardware, Mika’s project aids deaf people by converting American Sign Language (ASL) into English, Spanish, Arabic, or Chinese. The Android phone or computer detects the ASL and displays the translated message in bright red lights on Quirky. A small beep noise alerts others about the problem. This project aligns with STG number 3 – good health and well-being. Mika strongly believes that deaf people deserve safety and developed this project accordingly. Future plans include expanding the ASL dictionary for proper conversations and detecting weapons.
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Credit: Project created by Mica Ledesma Phuang-Utaikan from UAE
Project Category: Artificial Intelligence, Hardware, PictoBlox
PictoBlox Extensions: Text to Speech, Display (Quarky)
Project Tag: Artificial Intelligence, Codeavour 2022, Community Projects, Deaf People, Emergency Situations., Machine Learning, Quarky Lights