Bhavan’s Vidhya Mandir-ATL Lab

STEMpedia, in collaboration with MGM Technologies, conducted a comprehensive 5-day training program for teachers, focusing on 3D printing, robotics, electronics, programming, biotech, and aerospace. This initiative aims to empower educators with cutting-edge knowledge and practical skills in these fields, enhancing their capacity to deliver advanced STEM education. Our focus is on building a future-ready educational workforce capable of guiding students through the complexities of modern technology and science.
School Generic Logo-72da67af
Jamnagar, India
August 15, 2022
AG High School-fe5a5c3e
Ahmedabad, India
August 15, 2022
Pioneer Convent School
Indore, Madya Pradesh, India
March 20, 2023
Shahdara, Delhi
February 28, 2023
Universal Academy, Dehradun
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India
April 5, 2023